Is resistance to these powers really Biblical? Or will God Himself take the out when He is ready? A Biblical example is instructive.
An audio lesson.
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There is more about God’s relationship with the Civil Powers, and the basics of how Bible prophecy works is discussed in detail in Prophecy Principles. Available from your bookseller.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
More information about God and Civil Government and the basics of how Bible prophecy works is discussed in detail in Prophecy Principles. Available from you bookseller.
Part of God’s Plans for Vengeance on the evil doer.
God rules over the nations, and uses world events to further His purposes.
If rulers do fulfill their rightful functions, God will often use other rulers to take them out.
An audio lesson.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
More about God and Civill government, and the basics of how Bible prophecy works is discussed in detail in Prophecy Principles. Available from your bookseller.
PART of God’s Plans are through the Civil Powers which exist.
There is no authority except from God, and those powers which exist were established by God, Rom 13:1-2. So how do these things work out on the ground? Some Bible examples are instructive.
An audio lesson.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
There is more information about God’s relationship with the Civil Powers, and the basics of how Bible prophecy works is discussed in detail in Prophecy Principles. Available from your bookseller.
No personal revenge? Is that really as unrealistic as people make it out to be?
It is actually not as far out as some people think, and it is a common standard of law and order around the world.
An audio lesson.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
The basics of how Bible prophecy works is discussed in detail in Prophecy Principles. It discusses in more detail the relationship between God and Civil Government. Available from your bookseller.
Of course formerly the gentiles, the nations of the world, were separate from the covenants of promises, and were without God and without hope in the world. Now though, in Christ both Jew and Gentile are truly being made into a single entity. God does not work on the same sort of time schedule as frail and transitory men like you and I. Still He works, and He laughs at attempts to oppose Him, and we should praise Him for all of these things.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
Obviously this unity of Jews and Gentiles in Jesus Christ has not been a reality in history … so far, and this far too big a subject for even a week of podcasts. However, “a destruction is determined, overflowing with righteousness,” Isa 10:22, which will bring terrible times to both the church and the Jews, and which will result in a stunning victory for the gospel, and the Jews. The Jews will become what they should have been all along. No, we are not speaking of any millennial reign. This is a broad subject throughout both the Old and New Testaments, and is addressed in my third book, “Jewish Chronicles.” Available from your bookseller. The most powerful and glorious days for both the gospel and the Jews within history, are yet to come.
As the back cover of “Jewish Chronicles” states,
“If one does not understand the history of the Jews, they do not under- stand World History, nor where it is headed.”
Psalm 103 is a psalm, a song, of thanksgiving by the redeemed, even when they have done wrong. God is the One who redeems us from the pit, and “the pit” is talked about in many places in Scripture.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
We should thank God for all of His glorious deed, for our God is indeed good. This should be done in all of our ways of life, and many people praying and giving thanks, helps indeed.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
To neglect seeking God with thanksgiving only a formula for much unnecessary trouble in life.
There are proper places and ways to give thanks. We need to give thanks even for everyday things. It is NOT in fact automatic that we will be taken care of, and we should even be thankful in the midst of the ups and downs of life. Why? Well, uh, because …
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
Further, even discipline is a healthy part of God’s dealings with us. And if we are NOT thankful for what we already have, even in times of trouble? Then …
What is thanksgiving? What is it to be grateful? Remembering that God overruling in the affairs of men is indeed something to be grateful for. Ours is indeed a wonderful God.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
God’s overruling in history, and in our day to day lives, is part and parcel of all Scripture, and is the foundation for both the events of history, and our everyday lives, and the forecasts of prophecy.
For an overview of how Bible prophecy works, read my first book, “Prophecy Principles.”
For an overview of the Christian Age, read my second book, “Revealing the Christian Age, A Synthesis of the Prophets and Revelation.” Both are available through your bookseller.