Part of the Problem is the
Astonishing Nature
of Many Future Events.
In truth many things in history are astonishing. Who, ahead of time, would have ever believed that the tiny Greek army at Marathon, could ever have defeated the giant Persian army which was meeting them. The Athenian army numbered a mere 11,000 men. The Persian army is estimated to have been as much as 65,000 men. In normal military terms three to one odds means you will almost automatically lose. Six to one odds? It is almost unbelievable that you could win. And this is verified history. Astonishing!
Or take the Russo-Finnish War at the beginning of World War II. Who would have ever believed that tiny Finland could fight mighty Russia to a standstill? Where other small countries were smashed beneath Russian boots, Finland was able to come out of the war, not conquered, but with a negotiated peace. In ordinary human terms, and in ordinary historical terms, that was an impossibility. However, it happened, and that is verifiable history.
Also, both of these examples are astonishing things happening in history, and in theory, without the influence of an All Powerful God intervening! Or were they? Remember Scripture says,
horse is prepared for the day of battle;
But victory is with
Prov 21:31 WEB
Actually astonishing things happen happen all the time, and we hear or see of them in news, but it only if it linked to an Almighty God that we are not supposed to believe it.
Many coming events will be so astonishing that it is difficult to communicate these things to us
So Scripture again and again uses symbolism, and parallels to teach about things we would otherwise have difficulty understanding or believing. How do you describe God when He literally comes to see us in the flesh! They were told He would be like Moses in many ways, like David, like Solomon, like a passover lamb, and so forth.
Or the secretive merchant intrigues which dominate
kings and nations of the Christian age?
Mystery Babylon the Great.
How do you communicate what “she” is like, and how “she” operates?
“She” is like ancient Babylon, she is like the merchant empire of Tyre in Old Testament times. She is like ancient Rome. She is a rich and nasty whore. She is said to be a mystery religion, with which the ancients were well acquainted. (See previous posts on the mystery religions.) She foments conflicts and wars in order to make more money, and all the blood shed on the earth is in her, Rev 18:24.
And when the embodiment of
Satan is worshipped
by all the earth?
He will be like the Caesars, like King Ahab of Israel, like Antiochus IV Epiphanes of the Selucid Empire. He will be like a living/corpse idol.
And the end of this present world?
It will be like it was the days of Noah. It will be like just before Sodom and Gommorah were destroyed. It will be like the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (read Josephus accounts of this war).
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original ASV American Standard Version 1901