Some think this triumph is when Jesus comes to personally rule over Israel in Palestine.
The Bible does talk about a very long period of time, a “thousand years.” It is a period when Satan in severely restrained. Even so, Scripture does not really discuss a millennium as such
Jesus will never physically be here on earth again, as was proved in the post “The Jews Coming to Jesus of Nazareth will NOT be heaven on earth!” of November 4, 2020. Great things will happen when the Jews are converted as nation to Jesus of Nazareth, BUT it will NOT REALLY BE HEAVEN ON EARTH. Yes, it will be great times in human history, and some of these temporal benefits are discussed in Bible prophecy. Some of these things will even be symbolic (types or shadows) of heaven, but not really a heaven on earth!
The premillenialists are CONFUSING prophecies
of heaven, with prophecies of good times
in the present gospel age!
This can be easy to do when the latter sometimes acts as symbolic of the former! So, they end up with a “heaven on earth” sort of thing which will never happen. There will still be troubles. There will still be wars. There will still be sickness and death, although human life will be considerably extended in those days. “Evil men and seducers” will still grow worse and worse, 2Tim 3:13.
The evil men and seducers want to use this confusion to sell their Satanic god-man, and sell their Satanic heaven on earth. When, just before the end of this age, Satan is released for a short while, this “beast,” this “man of lawlessness,” will be allowed a very short three and one half years rule.
Then Christ will come. The Bible only speaks of a second coming (Heb 9:28), NOT of a second and then a third coming. They don’t discuss it much but the premillenialists implicitly have both a second coming (for the so-called millennial kingdom), and then a third coming before this present heaven and earth pass away. However such is not in Scripture.
The national conversion of the Jews to their own
Messiah, will bring some astonishing benefits
to the Jews and to the nations.
Many Scriptures point to the success of the gospel is being preached to the entire world.
27 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to Yahweh.
All the relatives of the nations shall worship before you.
28 For the kingdom is Yahweh’s.
He is the ruler over the nations.
Psa 22:27
Clearly speaking of benefits of the gospel in our present world, and Jesus does clearly have all authority in both heaven and earth even now, Mtt 28:18. And He clearly rules over the kings of the earth now, Rev 1:5.
Men may sometimes fail, as is spoken of in Numbers chapter 14. Still.
“but in very deed, as I live, and as all the earth shall be filled with the glory of Yahweh;”
Num 11:21
God’s word is not harnessed or restricted
by men’s failures.
“Scripture cannot be broken,”
Jn 10:35
Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.