If you know that judgment is coming, and believe it, it will clearly change your ethics and behavior.
An audio lesson.
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Revelation is a series of parallel visions that give us an overview of our age, and the big players during our age. Revealing the Christian Age is available from your bookseller.
What we anticipate about the weather, or whether a thief may visit our house, are examples of how what we think is about to changes our behavior. Further, Bible Prophecy is indeed supposed to change/modify our behavior for the good.
An audio lesson
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Many make Revelation more mysterious than it should be. The information you need to reconsider the book of Revelation is included in Revealing the Christian Age. Available from your bookseller.
National prophecies about the Jews as a nation, and what the Messiah of the Jews, Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth will yet do with them. And NO! This is NOT about the millennium, but rather about things yet to happen in history.
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After a time of great stress when two-thirds of the Jews are killed, then the Jews will at last turn to their own Messiah, Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth.
Yes, Micah speaks of the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, and of the coming of the gospel, and of heaven and hell. Also Micah clearly speaks of Israel’s former dominion in the Middle East as to be restored.
No! This is not about any so-called “millennium.” Rather of things yet to happen in history.
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Also Micah clearly speaks of two gigantic assemblies of ALL nations against the Jews, neither of which has happened YET!. Both of these are preceded by world-wide persecution of Christians. The first is during that great time of stress in which the Jews turn to their own Messiah, Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth. The second is at the end of time.
Micah talks about good things which are coming, both the coming the gospel, the good news of salvation to all the nations of the earth, AND the ending of all wars.
Then goes on to show how prophecy typically relates the immediate subject under discussion related to ultimate destinies of all things. This is something which throws many people off, but it should not. Also, once understood, it makes the reading of many other prophecies both more readable and more understandable.
Also we begin to address in this lesson the fact that there are prophecies in Scripture of the gospel coming, and of heaven and hell, and also there are still UNFULFILLED prophecies about the Jews as a nation. And no! We are not talking about the so-called “millennium,” but rather of things which are still happen in history before the end of this universe.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
Jewish Chronicles deals with how the Jews came to where they are today in history, and where all these things are leading.
This lesson starts off with the mystery of how the scribes and the Pharisees knew that Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem, and describes the situation in Judah at the time of Jesus’ birth. Then it goes to laying the foundation for looking at the evidence which they laid out.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
The basics of understanding Bible prophecy are addressed in Prophecy Principles, which is available from your bookseller.
Psalm 22 makes an excellent example of how prophecy works, and it further discussed in “Prophecy Principles” in the section “Time and Image in Prophecy,” and in “Revealing the Christian Age” in the section “Balking at the Symbolism.”
Addressing the twin subjects of prophecy: “Present Jerusalem,” and “Jerusalem Above.” Both are subjects of both Old Testament and New Testament prophecy. This conflict will be resolved in history when the Jews as a nation accept their own Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file. The basics of how Bible prophecy works is discussed in detail in Prophecy Principles.Available from you bookseller.
The basics of how Bible prophecy works is discussed in detail in Prophecy Principles.Available from you bookseller.
The story of how the Jews became sidetracked, and how they will finally turn as a nation to Jesus of Nazareth, is told in Jewish Chronicles, available from your bookseller.
The Real Masters of the Universe will be those who are followers of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file. The basics of how Bible prophecy works is discussed in detail in Prophecy Principles.Available from you bookseller.
Man’s true destiny is only fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth.