The Rapture? Part 2 of 3

“Rapture” teachings that you hear are also filled with many other ideas. Not least is both a Second Coming and a perhaps a third coming. A third coming is implicit in much premillenial teaching. In some of these teachings there is even a “secret” coming of Christ to covertly snatch up His faithful ones. However,

The Second Coming will not be secret.

“Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and EVERY eye will see him, including those who pierced him. All the tribes of the earth will mourn over him. Even so, Amen. ”
Rev 1:7 WEB

“26 men fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on the world: for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will SEE the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”
Lk 21:26-27 WEB (emphasis added)

Scripture does NOT teach both a second and third coming,

but only a Second Coming. In Scripture the Second Coming is associated with the passing away of this present universe.

“24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, 25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.”
Mk 13:24 KJV

“26 whose voice shook the earth, then, but now he has promised, saying, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heavens.” 27 This phrase, “Yet once more,” signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that have been made, that those things which are not shaken may remain. 28 Therefore, receiving a kingdom that can’t be shaken, let us have grace, through which we serve God acceptably, with reverence and awe”
Heb 12:26-28 WEB

Perhaps a Secret (??) Taking Out
of the Followers of Christ.

When the “man of lawlessness,” 2Thes 2:3, “sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself up as God,” 2Thes 2:4, then the active suppression of all Christians starts.

When it starts that “All who dwell on the earth will worship him,” Rev 13:8, and the abomination of desolation is set up, then,

Christians are to IMMEDIATELY run for cover

“16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take out things that are in his house. 18 Let him who is in the field not return back to get his clothes.”
Mtt 24:16-19 WEB

Armies are sent to capture all Christians

“8 … the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 They went up over the breadth of the earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints, …”
Rev 20:8-9 WEB

Physical Israel (who will be Christians in those days) and all true believers, will have to be rounded up. Ezekiel 38 pictures Gog and Magog combing the globe for believers.

KJV is the King James Version, 1611.

WEB is the World English Bible, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901

The Rapture? Part 1 of 3

“Rapture” itself is NOT a Bible word,

but the concept is Scriptural. The New Oxford American Dictionary tells us,


“1 a feeling of intense pleasure or joy: Leonora listened with rapture. …

“2 (the Rapture) N. Amer. (according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.”

Actually, “transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ,” is not just a premillenial belief, but is held by most who believe the Bible

“16 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first, 17 then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. So we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.”
1The 4:16-18

At the Second Coming of Christ,

“30 and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. 31 He will send out his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together his chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.”
Mtt 24:30-31

And there are various other episodes of people being caught up to God. In 2Kings chapter two Elijah is caught up to heaven in a fiery chariot. The apostle Paul, seemingly speaking of himself, tells of someone being “caught up” to “the third heaven,” to “Paradise.”

“2 I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I don’t know, or whether out of the body, I don’t know; God knows), such a one caught up into the third heaven. … 4 how he was caught up into Paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.”
2Cor 12:2, 4

Of course Jesus Himself was caught up to heaven.

“9 When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10 While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white clothing,”
Acts 1:9-10

And Jesus was returning to heaven so that He could go beyond all of our universe.

“9 Now this, “He ascended,” what is it but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things. ”
Eph 4:9-10

This is described as being “caught up” in Revelation 12.

“She gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron. Her child was caught up to God, and to his throne.”
Rev 12:5

But there are other issues.

Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.

Once More, Maybe Twice, in the Wilderness? Part 3 of 3

There is definitely one more time for God’s people
in the wilderness.

There is a time, near the end of this universe, when an evil man is allowed control of this whole world for a short period of time. He is called “the man of lawlessness” in 2Thessalonian chapter 2, and is “the beast” in the book of Revelation. He only rules for a very short period of time.

“5 A mouth speaking great things and blasphemy was given to him. Authority to make war for forty-two months was given to him. … 7 It was given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them. Authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation was given to him.”
Rev 13:5, 7

So this false god/man has authority over ALL the earth, for a period that is variously described as 42 months, or 1,260 days, or “time, times, and half a time” (which is a Hebraism for 3-1/2 years).

All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been killed.”
Rev 13:8

NO ONE has had such power world-wide YET!

But the true believers in God will be given
protection … in “the wilderness.”

The woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that there they may nourish her one thousand two hundred sixty days.”
Rev. 12:6

“Two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, so that she might be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.”
Rev 12:14

So the church one more time will be nourished in the wilderness, just before they enter the ultimate promised land, heaven itself.

And there may be another time in the wilderness,
before that!

There is also yet to come a season of world-wide stress on all Jews, that results in their turning to Jesus of Nazareth in faith. This is spoken of in previous posts about “The Jews Coming to Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth.” In that time of great stress on BOTH Jews and Christians, one-third of all Jews world-wide, will be killed, Zech 13:8. (See previous posts on this subject.)

But also Scripture seems to imply that many Jews that escape this time of great stress, will do so in the wilderness. God says of the Jews,

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her,
And bring her into the wilderness,
And speak tenderly to her.”
Hos 2:14

It does seems to be speaking of the Jews here, and not of the later church of both Jews and gentiles. And Jeremiah more specifically tells us,

“Thus says Yahweh, The people who were left of the sword found favor in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went to cause him to rest.”
Jer 31:2

If you look at Jer 31:1, it is specifically about when the Jews come into the New Covenant in Jesus Christ.

Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.

Once More, Maybe Twice, in the Wilderness? Part 2 of 3

The faithful having to live in desolate places for while became a recurring theme in Scripture.

The Christian life is compared to
Israel in the wilderness.

The trials of Israel in the wilderness is symbolic of our trials, and often failures, in the Christian life.

Paul says Israel in the wilderness is symbolic of Christians trek out of the Egypt of this world into the eternal promised land of happiness. If you put the whole story together, Egypt represents this present world. Pharaoh represents Satan who has held us in bondage because of our sins, Heb 2:14-15. Moses then is symbolic (a type) of the Christ, as indeed he is in Deut 18:15 and many other passages. So Paul says,

“1 Now I would not have you ignorant, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2 and were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 3 and all ate the same spiritual food; 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.”
1Cor 10:1-4 WEB

So Israel passing under the cloud and through the waters of the Red Sea is symbolic of Christians being baptized in Jesus. The waters of the Red Sea then separated ancient Israel from slavery in Egypt, and the waters of baptism separates us from our bondage to sin.

“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”
Mk 16:16 KJV

The Christian life?
It is here pictured as a life in desolate places!

“However with most of them, God was not well pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness.”
1Cor 10:5 WEB

Paul goes on to say these passages were intended to teach us of the dangers lurking in the Christian life.

“6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. 7 Neither be idolaters, as some of them were. As it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” 8 Neither let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them committed, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell. 9 Neither let us test the Lord, as some of them tested, and perished by the serpents. 10 Neither grumble, as some of them also grumbled, and perished by the destroyer. ”
1Cor 10:6-10 WEB

Some accuse Scripture of painting rose colored pictures of giving your life to God. These however are NOT rosy colored pictures. These are pictures of living in desolate places for a while, before we enter that ultimate promised land of the “new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells,” 2Pe 3:13, Revelation chapters 21 and 22.

So the Christian life is one of living for a while in a wilderness, in desolate places.

“11 Now all these things happened to them by way of example, and they were written for our admonition, on whom the ends of the ages have come.”
1Cor 10:11 WEB

We should not wistfully look back to Egypt and bondage.

KJV is the King James Version, 1611.

WEB is the World English Bible, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901

Once More, Maybe Twice, in the Wilderness? Part 1 of 3

The idea of time spent in the wilderness is very important in Biblical concepts of life and experience. The Hebrew word is midbar and it means it generally means a deserted place. A desert, a pasture, or even a forest. It is generally translated in the New Testament by the word er?mos which more specifically a desert, but also can be any uninhabited place.

God using Moses delivered Israel from
Egyptian slavery.

Then separated from bondage in Egypt, Israel found herself wandering around in a desert. They were a people of perhaps say two or three million people. (They had about 600,000 men of military age, Ex 12:37, from ages 20 to 60.) Now we are talking about a logistical nightmare. Not counting their livestock, and they were shepherds, and if you figured only two million people, and they only needed two quarts of water per day (a very low figure) to drink and cook, then they would need about a million gallons of water day, every day, at a minimum, and that is not counting food. It is astonishing quantities of supplies that are needed for large populations.

The Israelites, despite the wonders
they had seen in Egypt,
were not a very
trusting group.

But God did care for them, even in desolate places.

“10 He found him in a desert land,
In the waste howling wilderness;
He compassed him about, he cared for him, He kept him as the apple of his eye.
11 As an eagle that stirs up her nest,
That flutters over her young,
He spread abroad his wings, he took them,
He bore them on his feathers.
12 Yahweh alone did lead him,
There was no foreign god with him.”
Deut 32:10-12

God provided food and water in dramatic and powerful ways, and cared for them when no human agency could have.

It was never intended that Israel remain in a desolate wilderness indefinitely.

Yes, their life was to pass through some desolation for while, but only for a short while. They were to receive God’s laws at Mount Sinai, then head toward the land of promise land, send out spies to determine their strategy, and then enter and conquer the land as prophesied.

Palestine was literally a land of milk and honey in those ancient days. It was nothing like what it is today, suffering under the sins of so many occupying people. The spies brought back as a sample of the land, “… a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bore it on a staff between two; …” Num 13:23. Still, they did not trust the Lord enough to invade the land immediately.

But there were problems. Ten of the twelve men sent to scout out the land were not convinced that they could conquer the giants of the land. Further, the ten unconvinced men persuaded all of the Israel that the conquest was simply impossible, and that the nation would be destroyed. So Israelites revolted against the Lord and refused to march against Canaan. There was a face off between men and God, and Israel finally saw they were wrong.

However, there was a price to pay. All the men who refused to march against the land, would have to die in the desert before Israel finally took possession of the land The story is told in Numbers chapters 13 and 14.

So the initial short stay in desolate places
turned into 40 years of desolation,
until the 600,000 men died off,
all because of unbelief.

Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.

Keys to Prophecy: Yes, There is Protected Elect.

Modern men very smugly assert that they make their own choices. Many ministers confidently assure people that they make the final choices about their salvation. In their zeal to deny Calvinism, I have heard others strongly assure people that God would never violate their free will. For a fact, that makes most people feel more confident about their salvation. I mean, who would decide to go to eternal punishment? However that seriously overlooks plain things like,

There is a final “judgment” of all men.

“For we must all be revealed before the judgment seat of Christ; that each one may receive the things in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.”
2Cor 5:10

So there is final judgment, and God does at the end pass judgment on you and me. So God makes the final choices! Not men.

And God makes choices.

One of the key words in Greek for those chosen or elect, is the Greek word eklektos. God, being all knowing, is able to foresee how you and I will turn out, and thus able to make His decisions ahead of time. So it says,

“even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and without blemish before him in love;”
Eph 1:4

Contrary to what some Calvinists teach, Peter writes to,

“1 … to the chosen … 2 according to the foreknowledge of God
1Pe 1:2

God knows ahead of time what will happen, so makes His choices. Some say God only chooses classes of people, not the individuals; but that is not true per Rev 17:8.

To be chosen brings many benefits.

Jesus says of the last days of this universe.

Unless those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved. But for the sake of the chosen ones, those days will be shortened.”
Mtt 24:22

Or again,

“Won’t God avenge his chosen ones, who are crying out to him day and night, …”
Lk 18:7

Will anyone be able to shoot us down?

“Who could bring a charge against God’s chosen ones? It is God who justifies.”
Rom 8:33

Or on a sterner note.

“What then? That which Israel seeks for, that he didn’t obtain, but the chosen ones obtained it, and the rest were hardened.”
Rom 11:7

And of God in His infinite wisdom, it says,

“27 but God chose the foolish things of the world that he might put to shame those who are wise. God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put to shame the things that are strong;”
1Cor 1:27

And can we be chosen and then “blow it”?

Indeed we can, just we can for many things in everyday life. So Peter summarizes,

“Therefore, brothers be more diligent to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never stumble.”
2Pe 1:10

But if we neglect these things we may stumble and perish.

Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.

Keys To Prophecy: Yes, God Protects His Own.

It is true that the wicked aims to kill the righteous.

“For, behold, the wicked bend their bows.
They set their arrows on the strings,
That they may shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.
Psa 11:2

These are the very ones,

“Who sharpen their tongue like a sword,
And aim their arrows, deadly words,”
Psa 64:3

Still we should see that the threats of the wicked are not all of the story, for God shoots back, Psa 64:7, and so on. Further,

If you live with God, He WILL protect you.

We are talking about the man who places his confidence in God’s protection. The man who lives with God.

“1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of Yahweh, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in whom I trust.
” ”
Psa 91:1-2

What then will God do for this man?

“3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler,
And from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers.
Under his wings you will take refuge.
His faithfulness is your shield and rampart.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day;
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that wastes at noonday.”
Psa 91:3-6

You will only see these things

“7 A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it will not come near you.
8 You will only look with your eyes,
And see the recompense of the wicked. ”
Psa 91:7-8

In verse 8 at least, it jumps to eternal things, “you” seeing the punishment of the wicked!

Why would God do these things?

“9 Because you have made Yahweh your refuge,
And the Most High your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall happen to you,
Neither shall any plague come near your dwelling.
11 For he will give his angels charge over you,
To guard you in all your ways. ”
Psa 91:9

That is definitely in line with Psalm 34.

“The angel of Yahweh encamps round about those who fear him,
And delivers them. ”
Psa 34:7

But, Wait a minute Preacher, Psalm 91 is about Jesus!

Yes, it is quoted by the devil in Mtt 4:6 and Lk 4:10-11. OK, then you tell me how it fits Jesus, who died on a cross! It is all the same issue! But Jesus still says not a jot or a tittle of Scripture can fail, Mtt 5:18. However, Jesus survived the cross and lived! And you my Christian friend, are you not in Jesus, having the same protection!

Of you who dwell In the shadow of the Most High it says,

“He will call on me, and I will answer him.
I will be with him in trouble.
I will deliver him, and honor him.” Psa 91:15

Or did you not believe? Or where do you really live?

Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.

A Yet to Come Gospel Triumph, Part 3 of 3

Jew and Gentile will yet literally become one in Jesus Christ, Ephesians chapter two. Although still unrepentant in our present time, the Jews will finally repent and confess their sins and bring great glory to God, to the gospel, and to themselves.

“40 If they confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, in their trespass which they trespassed against me, and also that, because they walked contrary to me, 41 I also walked contrary to them, and brought them into the land of their enemies: if then their uncircumcised heart is humbled, and they then accept the punishment of their iniquity; 42 then I will remember my covenant with Jacob; and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham; and I will remember the land.”
Lev 26:40-42 KJV

The sorrow of the Jews for their sins
will be great.

Severe times will come on both Christians and Jews, before the Jews turn to Jesus the Christ. Available from your bookseller.

“I will pour on the house of David, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they will look to mea whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for his only son, and will grieve bitterly for him, as one grieves for his firstborn.”
Zech 12:10

This description goes on into Zechariah thirteen. The third part of the Jews which escapes the sword at the hand of the nations will then be purified.

I will bring the third part into the fire,
And will refine them as silver is refined,
And will test them like gold is tested.
They will call on my name, and I will hear them.
I will say, ‘It is my people;’
And they will say, ‘Yahweh is my God.’””
Zech 13:9

The cartels will be stripped of their unjust gains.

And you will beat in pieces many peoples:
And I will devote their gain to Yahweh,
And their substance to the Lord of the whole earth.”
Mic 4:13

God will choose some of the Jews to finish declaring the salvation of God to all the nations.

“I will set a sign among them, and I will send such as escape of them to the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, who draw the bow, to Tubal and Javan, to the isles afar off, who have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the nations.”
Isa 66:19

The earth will finally be filled with the knowledge of the Lord. ALL nations will have an opportunity for salvation.

How long will this take? I do not know. I does not tell. But it will be a time of great glory for the Jewish nation.

And then comes the end!

“11 Many false prophets will arise, and will lead many astray. 12 Because iniquity will be multiplied, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end, the same will be saved. 14 This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Mtt 24:11-14

Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.

A Yet to Come Gospel Triumph, Part 2 of 3

Some think this triumph is when Jesus comes to personally rule over Israel in Palestine.

The Bible does talk about a very long period of time, a “thousand years.” It is a period when Satan in severely restrained. Even so, Scripture does not really discuss a millennium as such

Jesus will never physically be here on earth again, as was proved in the post “The Jews Coming to Jesus of Nazareth will NOT be heaven on earth!” of November 4, 2020. Great things will happen when the Jews are converted as nation to Jesus of Nazareth, BUT it will NOT REALLY BE HEAVEN ON EARTH. Yes, it will be great times in human history, and some of these temporal benefits are discussed in Bible prophecy. Some of these things will even be symbolic (types or shadows) of heaven, but not really a heaven on earth!

The premillenialists are CONFUSING prophecies
of heaven, with prophecies of good times
in the present gospel age!

The conversion of the Jews to their own Messiah, Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth, will bring astonishing benefits to both the Jews as a nation, and also to the entire world. Available from your bookseller.

This can be easy to do when the latter sometimes acts as symbolic of the former! So, they end up with a “heaven on earth” sort of thing which will never happen. There will still be troubles. There will still be wars. There will still be sickness and death, although human life will be considerably extended in those days. “Evil men and seducers” will still grow worse and worse, 2Tim 3:13.

The evil men and seducers want to use this confusion to sell their Satanic god-man, and sell their Satanic heaven on earth. When, just before the end of this age, Satan is released for a short while, this “beast,” this “man of lawlessness,” will be allowed a very short three and one half years rule.

Then Christ will come. The Bible only speaks of a second coming (Heb 9:28), NOT of a second and then a third coming. They don’t discuss it much but the premillenialists implicitly have both a second coming (for the so-called millennial kingdom), and then a third coming before this present heaven and earth pass away. However such is not in Scripture.

The national conversion of the Jews to their own
Messiah, will bring some astonishing benefits
to the Jews and to the nations.

Many Scriptures point to the success of the gospel is being preached to the entire world.

27 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to Yahweh.
All the relatives of the nations shall worship before you.
28 For the kingdom is Yahweh’s.
He is the ruler over the nations.
Psa 22:27

Clearly speaking of benefits of the gospel in our present world, and Jesus does clearly have all authority in both heaven and earth even now, Mtt 28:18. And He clearly rules over the kings of the earth now, Rev 1:5.

Men may sometimes fail, as is spoken of in Numbers chapter 14. Still.

“but in very deed, as I live, and as all the earth shall be filled with the glory of Yahweh;”
Num 11:21

God’s word is not harnessed or restricted
by men’s failures.

“Scripture cannot be broken,”
Jn 10:35

Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.

A Yet to Come Gospel Triumph, Part 1 of 3

Satan has thrown a hood of darkness over sinful men.

The apostle John is adamant about this control.

“We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”
1Jn 5:19

I remember being stunned by the comprehensiveness of this statement, even as a young man who had turned to the gospel, and who thought he knew how bad the world really was. The “whole world” is in the power of Satan? I thought surely this couldn’t mean the whole world, but that is what it truly said. Further, other verses say in essence the same thing.

“in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn on them.”
2Cor 4:4

Many verses indeed indicate we are in the power of Satan until we came to Christ.

“One who believes in the Son has eternal life, but one who disobeys the Son won’t see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”
Jn 3:36

The wrath of God was on him because of his sins before coming to Christ, and if he truly doesn’t believe / obey the Son? The Greek word is apeitheo and it describes someone who is not fully persuaded of Christ, and who thus will not fully obey Christ. That person? The wrath of God was on him, and now not fully persuaded … then the wrath of God remains on him. It was there before he started to turn, and remains there when he fails to turn.

He remains as he was at first, as we ALL were at first.

“However at that time, not knowing God, YOU were in bondage to those who by nature are not gods.”
Gal 4:8

We have ALL been there.

But big changes are yet to come in human history

The changes are beginning with the coming of the gospel so “we are of God,” and it is all the rest are under Satan’s spells, 1Jn 5:19. It is before the Second Coming of Christ. That final conflict is described in many Scriptures throughout the Bible and in many parallel passages in the book of Revelation. Remember, Revelation is a series of overlapping visions which cover the entire Christian age. Also it is in Rev 20:7-10.

But BEFORE that final conflict …

There is a period which has not happened yet, when Satan is bound for an extended period of time, so that Satan,

should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were finished. After this, he must be freed for a short time.”
Rev 20:3

There is yet to come in human history, a period when,

“… the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahweh, as the waters cover the sea. ”
Hab 2:14

In Habakkuk 2 and similar passages it seems to be in the context of this present world that there would be a time the knowledge of God will cover this entire earth.

Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.