Before the end of this present world, even though most miss it, the entire world will turn to the worship of Satan, and his special man, who also called “the beast” and “the man of lawlessness” and “the corpse” and “the abomination of desolation.” IT WILL BAD TIMES FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD, with the surviving Christians who will not worship the beast being protected in “the wilderness.”
But then Jesus will finally come to rescue His own, and bring Judgment on the universe.
So there is also joy among the Christians because they know their deliverance is near.
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My book Jewish Chronicles, is about things well before the end of this world.
Both Prophecy Principles and Revealing the Christian Age give more details on the end of this present universe, and the beginnings of the New Heavens and the New Earth. All are available from your bookseller.
God has many ways to make our sins come down on our own ears. One those, which is prominently addressed in Isaiah 24 is the land, the earth, being cursed because of our sins, which of course has been the case from the first.
Of course another way that God sometimes uses to bring the fruits of our sins down on us is of war. Both the gospels of Matthew and Luke make it clear that Jerusalem will be destroyed because of the sins of the Jewish nation in rejecting their own Messiah, Jesus the Christ.
But the gospel discussions of the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD also kind of slides into a discussion of the end of the world. Many seem to miss the point, but it seems that the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is also symbolic of the way it will be at the end of this present world.
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Of course these are terrible things that have happened to the Jews, even though significant numbers have been converted to Christ down through the Christian age.
In the end there will be a complete turnaround of the Jews. Jeremiah pictures a day when,
“At the same time, saith the LORD, will I be the God of ALL the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.” Jer 31:1
Of course, that day has not happened YET! It will only happen after a time of severe stress for both Christians and Jews, and of that day it says.
“Thus saith the LORD, The people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went to cause him to rest.” Jer 31:2.
This is not about a so-called millennial kingdom, but rather of the time when a very stubborn people at last turn to their own Messiah, and bring about a complete world turnaround for the church of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ of God. Then will be fulfilled what it says in Dan 2:35, that the church/kingdom will “fill the whole earth.”
The full story, of both how the Jews got side tracked, and how at last they will be turned around, is told in my third book, Jewish Chronicles. Available from your book seller.
Isaiah 24 is called by many “The Apocalypse of Isaiah.” Apocalypse refers to “Apocalupsis” the Greek title of the New Testament Book of Revelation.
In truth, Isaiah 24 does overlap the book of Revelation and other prophecies of the end of this universe.
Isaiah 24 starts off by talking the earth, the entire world, being ruined by its inhabitats.
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It is true that mankind’s sins have always affected our environment.
Many do not know how to approach and intelligently read and understand Bible prophecy. It is a specialized type of literature. My first book, Prophecy Principles, gives the background we need to understand Bible prophecy, and gives an overview of some of the main themes of Bible prophecy. See the details on the books tab, and order from your bookseller.
Some think that if we do not know the date and hour of Jesus Coming (which we don’t!), that means there will be no signs of Jesus Second Coming.
This is a Fallacy.
There are many things of which we may not know the day or hour, yet there will be signs of these things being about to happen. You may not know the day or the hour that snow will next fall where you live, HOWEVER, there will signs of snow approaching. Freezing temperatures. Snowy looking clouds.
There are many things we do not or cannot know, but there will be signs of Jesus approaching coming (Lk 21:25-28), and we are to be “Watching,” Mk 13:37 KJV.
An audio lesson:
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To try to unravel the book of Revelation without the Old Testament prophets, is something which I do not think can be done. The book Revealing the Christian Age, tries to tie together many of the main links. Available from your bookseller.
An uproar, a tumult, of the nations against God and His Christ and His followere here on earth, and is a subject of the both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and is talked about in many passages, including Revelation, and in Isaiah 17.
A key question is: Who will be protected during those times? And Scripture gives some answers.
An audio lesson.
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God does look after His own!
More details on these things are given in both Prophecy Principles and Revealing the Christian Age.
Revealing the Christian Age gives the reader the tools for a second look at the book of Revelation. For more information click the books tab at the top of this site. These books are available from your book seller.
God will judge between the nations it says in Isaiah 2. And God will bring peace to the earth, and an end to death and decay and things running down!
Part of this is about what we often call “heaven.” It seems to speak of what we would call a earth in a new universe. Scripture repeatedly calls this “a new heavens and a new earth.
The imagery involved in this new earth is astonishing, dazzling, beyond our present earth bound minds to fully comprehend.
But also involved is the soon-to-be passing away of our present universe, IN ITS ENTIRETY! An equally daunting idea.
An audio lesson:
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
These subjects are discussed in more detail in my first two books, Prophecy Principles, and Revealing the Christian Age, which are available from your bookseller. Our age, and its outcomes have been revealed to us.
Many will assure you that ALL will be saved, but that is NOT what Scripture teaches.
The truth is that at some point God may say to you and men, “I have had enough.”
That can have disastrous result for us. However, God does give people, even really bad people, plenty of time to turn around, plenty of time to repent, and come to God, if we will.
An audio lesson:
Listen to this audio lesson here, or click on the Audio Player to download as an MP3 file.
Isaiah 1 indeed gives us a program for life, even if we are very deeply in sin.
Listen to the lesson above, or click on the player to download as a podcast.
So once again! How far do we take this stuff? How many times have read something in Scripture and said to yourself, “How can that be?”
We read all sorts of things which God says “will be,” and sometimes our eyes sort of glaze over, then we just sort of pass over things, which we should never pass over!
We should trust God! He is smart enough to make all of this? How can He be wrong?