Keys to Prophecy: Cycles of History

I think one of the most majestic of the psalms is Psalm 107. It describes the cycles which nations go through, cycles which still exist. This psalm can only be summarized here, but it is well worth reading in detail in multiple translations and being mulled over.

God will lead the humble

Heavy things fall on sinful people. Some of the troubles are built right into our sins. Often we end up in desolate times.

“4 They wandered in the wilderness in a desert way.
They found no city to live in.
5 Hungry and thirsty,
Their soul fainted in them. ”
Psa 107:4-5WEB

Then they cried out to the Lord.

“6 Then they cried to Yahweh in their trouble,
And he delivered them out of their distresses,
7 He led them also by a straight way,
That they might go to a city to live in.
8 Let them praise Yahweh for his loving kindness,
For his wonderful works to the children of men!”
Psa 107:6-8 WEB

Parts of the psalm explicitly mention their sins.

“10 Some sat in darkness and in the shadow of death,
Being bound in affliction and iron,
11 Because they rebelled against the words of God,
And condemned the counsel of the Most High.
12 Therefore he brought down their heart with labor.
They fell down, and there was none to help. ”
Psa 107:10-12 WEB

But they cried out to the Lord, and He heard them, and broke their bonds, and led them in good ways.

Negative Environmental Changes Sometimes
Happen Because of Sin!

“33 He turns rivers into a desert,
Water springs into a thirsty ground,
34 And a fruitful land into a salt waste,
For the wickedness of those who dwell in it.
Psa 107:33:34 WEB

You can see this story almost daily on the evening news.

But then are turned around for a humble people

“35 He turns a desert into a pool of water,
And a dry land into water springs.
36 There he makes the hungry live,
That they may prepare a city to live in,”
Psa 107:35-36 WEB

Then it goes on for several verses about the blessings He brings on them.

But then it is implied they turn aside again

“39 Again, they are diminished and bowed down
Through oppression, trouble, and sorrow.
40 He pours contempt on princes,
And causes them to wander in a trackless waste.”
Psa 107:39-40 WEB

It has been so in the past. It is still so in the Christian Age
and in the book of Revelation.

“41 Yet he lifts the needy out of their affliction,
And increases their families like a flock.
42 The upright will see it, and be glad.
All the wicked will shut their mouths.
43 Whoever is wise will pay attention to these things.
They will consider the loving kindnesses of Yahweh.”
Psa 107:41-43 WEB

KJV is the King James Version, 1611.

WEB is the World English Bible, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901

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