Keys to Prophecy: The Second Most Powerful Institution on Earth

The second most powerful institution here on earth is also one that few realize, but it is real and very powerful. The true power politicians here on earth do realize these things, and try to deal with it, or subvert that power.

It is the family.

This is the institution that brings forth the people of the earth, nurtures and protects them when they are small and unlearned and vulnerable, and the teaches the foundational information upon which all other development and learning rests.

It is with the family that the responsibility for education rests. Not with Nero, not with the commune, not with the schools (although the family may at times use some schools). The parents naturally have a close biological / genetic relationship with the children, and very naturally have close bonds of love for the children. The parents clearly perceive the wonder and majesty of the little ones who came from themselves, and who are so much like themselves. Unless we are terribly marred by sin, these are instinctive and natural reactions.

These things are built into our DNA, and are hard to frustrate.

It is the family that forms the
building blocks of society.

If these blocks are well formed and trained and educated, society can build on these things to form good and healthy societies. If they are married, so is all of human life in a society.

Why then is this power not realized
in this world?

Answer One: It is so diffused and scattered all over the world it is hardly noticed. As individual units, no one of them is normally very powerful, and this overwhelming power often goes unnoticed. However, families have a staggering impact on society and history, power that it is not easy to minimize and derail.

Answer Two: Some do realize these things, and lust after that power, but it is hard to capture. These are mighty, and politically savvy entities, like the Mystery of Lawlessness, or Mystery Babylon the Great, who wish to reform the world away from a Righteous, Good and Loving God, to something they can more easily hijack and control for their own profit and power.

There are Some Major Strategies Used to Try to Grab Some of
the Family’s Power and Influence.

1. Persuade people that these family things are not really that important. If possible get both men and women to simply abandon these responsibilities and seek what is supposedly better or more pleasurable things.

2. Destabilize the family so that it just drops some of this tremendous power and influence. If husbands or wives can be talked into dropping some of this power, and if some of the crumbs can be picked up by Nero or large corporations, it often results in these entities having tremendous increases in power.

3. Offer substitutes like communes. They have been tried continually throughout the Christian Age. They are always sold as better, fairer, ways to organize society. Communes always fail. The family foundation for society is built into our genes, and our very nature.

The Family is a Powerful Natural Barrier to Malicious
Exploitation of the Human Race.

This is from God.

WEB is the World English Bible, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901

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