This One Who Was To Come, was to come as a sacrificial offering according to the prophet Isaiah!
This One was to suffer silently, and it says, not just in the New Testament, but also in the Old Testament that the Lord Our God was “pleased” to bruise or crush this One, to put Him to grief.
Then the Old Testament prophets say both that He will be murdered, and that He will yet live forever! Thus implying some sort of resurrection from the dead! Even in the Old Testament!
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For more information on the background we need, and how Bible prophecy works, read,
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Astonishingly, God tells us that this One Who Is To Come will be, yes truly God, but also a very rejected men. A man so disfigured that people did not really even want to even look at look at Him.
But this Messiah of the Jews would come as a sacrificial offering for your sins and mine, not only of the Jews, but also of us of the nations.
And all of this is foretold in the Old Testament prophets.
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For an overview of how the book of Revelation meshes with the Old Testament, read Revealing the Chistian Age.
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Of course the Jews have long and adamantly rejected the One and Only Savior of the World. So much so that many think the Jews will never turn around to their God. Scripture however says that this will for sure happen. Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth goes even further and says, “For most assuredly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter or one tiny pen stroke shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished.” Mtt 5:18
That means that those Old Testament promises of the Jews turning to their Messiah will YET happen.
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For more information on the history of the Jews, how they went astray from God, and where this has led, and how all of this end up, read Jewish Chronicles.
In a time of stress, way before the Second Coming, persecution will start world wide on the church first. This will this spread to persecution of the Jews, and in some extreme circumstances the Jews will at last turn to their One and Only True Savior, Jesus the Christ The results will bring about tremendous changes for the good world-wide, for the Jews, for the church, for the gospel, and for the world.
We saw in Part 1 that this Messiah, this Christ who was to come, was to actually be “God.”
The the question comes up, well what sort of “God” is this who was to come to Judea and in the wilderness. The answer in Isaiah 40 is that this is the God who created heaven and earth, stretching out the heaven all by Himself, and measuring dust for the mountains and hills, and on and on.
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More can be learned about Bible prophecy and how it works from Prophecy Principles, available from your bookseller. See the book tab for more information.
Astonishingly, Isaiah chapter 40 tells us very clearly that the Messiah, the Christ, The One Who Wast To Come, was to be God Himself. And It tells where He was to come, that is in the wilderness (unpopulated places) and in, of all places, Judea! And that this would be “good news.”
Further Isaiah 40 tells us that the way would be prepared for God, by one crying in the wilderness!
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More can be learned about how Bible prophecy works from Prophecy Principles, Available from your bookseller. See the tab on books.