God has many ways to make our sins come down on our own ears. One those, which is prominently addressed in Isaiah 24 is the land, the earth, being cursed because of our sins, which of course has been the case from the first.
Of course another way that God sometimes uses to bring the fruits of our sins down on us is of war. Both the gospels of Matthew and Luke make it clear that Jerusalem will be destroyed because of the sins of the Jewish nation in rejecting their own Messiah, Jesus the Christ.
But the gospel discussions of the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD also kind of slides into a discussion of the end of the world. Many seem to miss the point, but it seems that the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is also symbolic of the way it will be at the end of this present world.
Of course these are terrible things that have happened to the Jews, even though significant numbers have been converted to Christ down through the Christian age.
In the end there will be a complete turnaround of the Jews. Jeremiah pictures a day when,
“At the same time, saith the LORD, will I be the God of ALL the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.” Jer 31:1
Of course, that day has not happened YET! It will only happen after a time of severe stress for both Christians and Jews, and of that day it says.
“Thus saith the LORD, The people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went to cause him to rest.” Jer 31:2.
This is not about a so-called millennial kingdom, but rather of the time when a very stubborn people at last turn to their own Messiah, and bring about a complete world turnaround for the church of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ of God. Then will be fulfilled what it says in Dan 2:35, that the church/kingdom will “fill the whole earth.”
The full story, of both how the Jews got side tracked, and how at last they will be turned around, is told in my third book, Jewish Chronicles. Available from your book seller.