Prophecy Practice: Out of Egypt, 13 of 15

And the “god of this world” 2Cor 4:4, overcomes the church.

This is actually a subject of several prophesies, but the one that catches the eye of many is in Revelation 13. The passage in Revelation 13 is obviously parallel to 2Thessalonians 2, that is the say that the “beast” is the “man of sin,” (or “of lawlessness,” depending on your translation). Both are worshipped by the entire world, all of the lost. Both are destroyed by Jesus Second Coming (2Thes 2:8, Rev 19:20). The man of lawlessness / sin is produced by the “mystery of lawlessness, which is already at work in the first century of our era, 2Thes 2:7. In Rev 13:1-2 the organization which produces the beast is called “a beast,” and it has seven heads (men who direct the organization), and ten horns / crowns, rulers who are part of the beast organization. So ten national rulers are part o the “beast” organization, which evidently is existing from at least the first century of our age.

Then one of the seven heads of the organization has a fatal wound and that fatal wound is healed, Rev 13:3. The whole world is fascinated by this one who is killed, yet has some sort of recovery. This head, one of the seven heads of the beast organization, then becomes “the beast,” Rev 13:3.

The beast” is allowed to make war for forty-two months, or 3-1/2 years, Rev 13:5. This period of time is also referred to by the prophet Daniel. This beast blasphemes God and claims he is the one and only God, Rev 13:6 and 2Thes 2:4. This beast is given great temporary authority.

“It was given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them. Authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation was given to him.”
Rev 13:7

No man has had authority over “every … nation” up till now. And no one has overcome the church world wide up to now. So this has NOT happened yet!

Everyone, whose name has not been written in the book of life since the foundation of the world, will worship this beast , Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8. This means that everyone will worship this beast who is not a faithful Christian.

Notice carefully, the beast has AUTHORITY to BOTH make WAR with the saints (all true Christians), AND to CONQUER them!

We are talking about a situation where the saints (those sanctified, cleansed by the blood of Jesus) are completely overwhelmed, and that is plainly stated by the text. The word used in Rev 13:7 for the church being “overcome” is the Greek word nikao and it means to overcome, overpower, conquer, prevail, have the victory over. Nike the Greek “goddess” of victory derives her name from this word, and it a regular word for conquering a foe in battle.

So here is a situation very similar to when God’s people were
under the power of Pharaoh in Egypt.

They will be totally under the power of “the god of this world,” 2Cor 4:4. They will need rescue from power of this evil one.

Scriptures are from the World English Bible WEB, a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901.

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