Covid-19 and We Will All Die

Remember? The terrible winter of 2017-18?

The sheer terror of every moment? The anticipation that you might catch it next? That someone might die? That someone you know might die? Do you remember the gripping terror of every moment in the winter of 2017 to 2018? You don’t? You don’t remember the 2017-2018 winter being horrible? You don’t! Well, the CDC says that 80,000 people died of the flu in the winter of 2017 to 2018. 80,000! (AP interview with Dr. Robert Redfield of the CDC, September 26, 2018, Redfield is current head of the CDC.

Why didn’t you think it was so bad in the winter of 2017-18?

Dr. Robert Redfield, current head of the CDC. By Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –, Public Domain,

The answer is, you didn’t have the media pumping it up! You didn’t see constant reminders of hospital death’s. You didn’t see your favorite news or weather reporters crouching in fear, and broadcasting from home in horror of possibly catching the virus and … dying! Did you?

Notice that almost all of their models, their projections, have been wrong! Originally they said 2.2 million Americans would die. But it isn’t going to happen. They emptied the hospitals so that they could care for the dying Covid-19 patients … and the hospitals stayed empty. Trump sent a hospital ship to NY, and built two new hospitals in Central Park, and they stayed empty. NY said they needed 30,000 ventilators. Trump said he could only send 5,000. The press said that was outrageous. But it ended up NY sent away some ventilators! It is a new media lie everyday. You have already forgotten the old lie, because the new false projection is scaring the wits out of you! Assuming that the originators made honest mistakes, we still should NOT be listening to their models, with this record of failures. The media and the politicians are NOT experts, and the “experts” have been consistently sold us bad models!

Now Some Question These Projections Entirely

Dr. Deborah Birx. Public Domain,

According to a Washington Post article, Dr Birx said, “There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust.” She said that they were exaggerating Covid-19 deaths by as much as 25%.

I have heard before that competent authorities questioned the CDC’s estimates on for instance, flu deaths. These are after all, statistical extrapolations. No one is really in a position to do a real head count. But you says, someone might die! And that is right! So, let’s take some CDC figures at face value.

The CDC says 2,813,503 died in 2017. These are deaths from all causes. This means about 234,458 people died every month. Well this says that someone will die, does die, every year. Nearly three million of them in America, each year. And most who die are elderly with serious underlying conditions! Who would have guessed? They have heart problems, they have diabetes or they are very overweight or have severe breathing problems, and so on. Your author is part of this group. Might your author die from COVID-19? Yes! Should we shut down the world because you author might die? I don’t think so. So what is the root of our problem?

Sin came into this world from the wrongs of our ancestors.

The truth is, we will ALL die. Coronavirus or not.

“12 Therefore, as sin entered into the world through one man, and death through sin; and so death passed to all men, because all sinned. … 14 Nevertheless death reigned … even over those whose sins weren’t like Adam’s disobedience, who is a foreshadowing of him who was to come.”
Rom 5:12, 14

Yes we use medicines and treatments to try hinder and delay death, rightfully so, even in Scripture. Your author probably would not be alive today, and might have even died in childhood, without modern medicine. But in the end even that cannot undo death.

Prophecy says only Jesus can do that!

“25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that will be abolished is death.”
1Cor 15:25-26

That is a prophecy. And it hasn’t happened yet. And it does matter!

There are other posts on the Coronavirus. Search at the top.

Scriptures are from the World English Bible (WEB), a copyright free revision
of the original ASV American Standard Version 1901

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